Tuesday 28 April 2009

How to make a living offering The Work That Reconnects or similar work

…Or understanding a little about business, marketing and communicating skills.

Words are important. And how you put those words together will impact your ability to attract the lorry driver down the street or the doctor in his surgery to attend a workshop. You may have been doing this work for free and decided that you now need an income. Or you may simply want to attract more people, and a greater diversity of people to attend workshops.

There are challenges to achieving a sustainable level of income and taking this work to a wider audience. It takes time to get “word of mouth” referrals and to build a reputation. In addition, there are increasing numbers of other things people can do with their time and money.

You can overcome your barriers and challenges so you can reach your audience in a way that engages them efficiently, effectively and ethically, wherever you are based in the world.

By acquiring some basic business and marketing skills, tools and information you can deliver tangible “win win” benefits to both you and your participants.

How to start?

Join us for a free, 3 hour introduction to key skills:
· Held in our offices in beautiful countryside in Cookham Dean, near Maidenhead, Berkshire
· Limited to 8 people on a first come, first served basis

Our next marketing workshop is on Thursday 28th May 2009 from 10am - 1pm.

Please contact us to reserve your place:
t: +44 (0) 1628 487817
e: cindy.barnes@greenerconsulting.com

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Bringing The Work That Reconnects into Business

The ecological and social crises facing us are inflamed by an economic system dependent on accelerating growth. We currently measure economic performance in terms of ever-increasing business profits - in other words by how fast materials can be extracted from Earth and turned into consumer products.

So why should we bother trying to engage with business?
It is, however, important to remember that all businesses are made up of people, some of whom are just like you and me. The Great Turning will not be a rapid process but will be an evolution over time, sometimes fast, other times slower, so wouldn’t it be better to have these businesses and the people within them aware of the actions they can take now on behalf of the Earth, aware of their ability to respond?

Rather than seeing all business as bad and that you shouldn’t engage with business at all, the way to influence business is to influence the people within it. We need to stop thinking of business as office blocks, logos and faceless entities, and start thinking of business as collections of people, facing the same issues that we all face.

How to start?
By pooling our resources and supporting each other we can start to learn what each of us is currently doing, how we might replicate this in our areas, and where to get the necessary support that we might need. I’ve set up a Google group which you can join from here WTRintobusiness. Let’s see where this takes us!

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